For more information please send
an email to Anita Gaasbeek

You can also get in contact by telephone:

+31(0)6 15 38 60 63

Adres / Studio
Gallery "De Hollandsche Maagd" Oosthaven 28
2801 PD Gouda NL
The Netherlands


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curriculum vitae Anita Gaasbeek (1964)


Royal Academy of Fine Arts in the Hague, The Netherlands
Art Direction, Academy of Fine Arts, Utrecht
Webdesign Professional, Utrecht.

Painting people in motion; specialised in Modern Dance and theatre. I worked in the studio's of the " Nederlands Dans Theater ", "het Nationale Ballet" and Scapino Ballet Rotterdam. I was invited to take part in the Ballet "Frozen Handmarks" of Scapino Ballet Rotterdam and worked on stage during a tour in the Netherlands and Germany. I also made sketches of tango-dancers and made paintings inspired on the Argentine Tango. Recently I made sketchings of musicians live on stage.
I frequently make model sketchesand paintigs with a group of artists.

Design, illustration and workshops
I also work on assignement (graphic design, illustration and paintings) and organize workshops, drawing and painting lessons in my studio.


If you would like to recieve an invitation for my exibitions and projects, please send an email with your name and adress to

Licht & donker jan-mrt 2025 several artists
Galerie de Hollandsche Maagd

Live sketches - models
november 2024 Kunstcentrum de Firma - Gouda

De Firma - Anita Gaasbeek, Tineke Radder, Karin Winkel
januari 2024, Cultuurhuis/Garenspinnerij Gouda

Studio-visit Gouda
You can visit the studio of Anita Anita Gaasbeek in Gouda. Open on thursday and friday  13-17 sathurday 11-17 uur and by appointment. Please call us at  +31(0)6 15 38 60 63

Nieuwe Firmanten-Transition
November 2023
Kunstcentrum de Firma - Gouda

De Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
Aniversary 15 years gallery "de Hollandsche Maagd"

september 2023
Exhibition with 15 artists of the gallery
paintings, jewelry, bronze sculptures, glas and design

za 9 en zo10 januari 2021
11-17.30 uur Eusebius Kerk Arnhem
Stand  74 Anita Gaasbeek
 Expositie Moving voorjaar 2020
tot en met za 4 april 2020 in Galerie de Hollandsche Maagd

"Animals"  februari/may 2021
Galerie de Hollandsche Maagd

2 - 3 OCTOBER 2021
Grote Kerk Breda
Stand 2 Anita Gaasbeek

Art at "De Mallemolen"
januari 2019 - may 2021
Oosthaven 72, Gouda

Anita Gaasbeek dancepaintings
City Hall of Gouda
Anita Gaasbeek dancepaintings and Be Birza kimono-sculptures

(september 2017)
Anita Gaasbeek new Italian paintings, sculptures of several artists.
galerie De Hollandsche Maagd

exhibition "Animals" with several artists, paintings: Jasper Hulshof Poll, Anita Gaasbeek, Koos ten Kate, sculptures Frans Gort, Jeanette Jansen, Caroline Horchner, Joep Verheijden.
galerie De Hollandsche Maagd

Anita Gaasbeek and Tom Smetsers
Galerie de Hollandsche Maagd Gouda
Artproject Kunstraam Gouda


Tango en Jazz (sept)
Jan Sneijders en Anita Gaasbeek
Galerie de Hollandsche Maagd Gouda
Summer exhibition (jun-aug)


(jan-dec) Artproject Kunst in Abri's
(sept) Anita Gaasbeek-Hortense de Kooter
Galerie De Hollandsche Maagd-Gouda
Parels Fineart I, Fijnaart (sept/dec)*
exhibition Open Studio's Galerie de Vlaming Zoetermeer (sept)*
Artproject Kunst in Abri's*
"Dansen" Theater Instituut Amsterdam* (juli/dec)*
Young&Young Rijswijk (feb/dec)*
Kunstuitleen de Bollenstreek Hillegom (april)*
Townhall Zoetermeer-Wout van der Vet (jan)*
Exhibitions 2006
Kunst in Abri's - Stadhuis Zoetermeer nov-dec 2006
Open Studios Zoetermeer 2006
09-10-2006 t/m 10-10-2006
Studio Anita Gaasbeek, Jessicagang 36, Zoetermeer.
Exhibition Galerie en Artotheek de Vlaming Zoetermeer 7th september - 10th september.
Kunstwerk Westvoorne - Oostvoorne
16-08-2006 t/m 27-08-2006
Anita Gaasbeek (dancepaintings) en Lucy de Kruijf (sculptures and graphic work) are working in the studio and show their work in galerie/atelier Kunstwerk Westvoorne Hoflaan 7, 3233 AN Oostvoorne open wo-zo van 11-17 uur
Dancepaintings: Anita Gaasbeek
03-07-2006 t/m 08-07-2006
Dancepaintings Anita Gaasbeek young dancers and children during the 10e "Dance and the Child International Conference" in the Hague. Exhibition in
Theater aan het Spui, Spui 187, 2511 BN Den Haag

Kunstlobby - Capelle a/d IJssel
18-02-2006 t/m 05-06-2006
Barbizonlaan 2, Capelle a/d IJssel.

Exhibition: Book of New Town Artists Europa - Zoetermeer
23-03-2006 t/m 02-04-2006
BaZtille, Rokkeveenseweg 46, 2712 XZ Zoetermeer

Exhibition: Smal Work-Great Artists
Galerie de Vlaming, Den Haag-Zoetermeer
17-05-2006 t/m 01-07-2006
'De Vlaming'
Zoetermeer: Vlamingstraat 2a, 2712 BZ Zoetermeer
Den Haag: Anna Paulownastraat 25, 2518 BA Den Haag

Tribute to Rembrandt on A4 - Sidac Studio - Leiden
02-06-2006 t/m 30-08-2006
Sidac Studio, Hogewoerd 77, 2311 HG Leiden

Stadstheater, Zoetermeer (november 2005)
Galerie Brak, Voorburg (juli 2005)*
Grand Café School Zoetermeer (januari - april 2005)*
Galerie Zone, Leiden (maart 2005)
Galerie de Vlaming, Den Haag (maart - april 2005) with Fieke Hordijk
De Uitwisseling - BaZtille Zoetermeer (4 januari - 14 februari 2005)* 2004
"Tango/Schetsen" BaZtille, Zoetermeer (december 2004)
Galerie Mas, Rotterdam
Galerie Brak, Voorburg*
Galerie de Verbeelding, Saaksum (Groningen)
Galerie Dutch-art, Rotterdam*
Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam*
Bewogen tijden Bewogen beelden, Zoetermeer*
Het Overzicht, Zoetermeer*
Galerie Cobald, Delft (duo expositie)
Humanistisch Verbond, Den Haag
De Glazen Linde, Opmeer
Galerie De Vlaming, Zoetermeer
Stadsgalerie, Gouda *
Galerie Noord, Groningen*
Stadhuis Zoetermeer
Galerie Pi , Renkum (duo expositie)
Stadhuis Gorinchem
Galerie Weber, Wiltz, Luxemburg
Div. theaters in Nederland (Tournee met Scapino Ballet)
Galerie Art Leathering, Maassluis
Galerie Verhaar, Wassenaar
Arti Forum, Voorburg*
l'Essentiel, Brussel (België)
Kasteel van Gaasbeek, Gaasbeek (België)
Goudse Schouwburg, Gouda
Roeland Druk, Den Haag
Landbouw Universiteit, Wageningen
Stadstheater Zoetermeer*
Lucent Danstheater, Den Haag
solo-exibitions, only:* concern exibitions in a groop

new exhibitions/news

If you would like to recieve an invitation, please send an email with your name and adress to

Licht & donker jan-mrt 2025 several artists
Galerie de Hollandsche Maagd

Live sketches - models
november 2024 Kunstcentrum de Firma - Gouda

De Firma - Anita Gaasbeek, Tineke Radder, Karin Winkel
januari 2024, Cultuurhuis/Garenspinnerij Gouda

Studio-visit Gouda
You can visit the studio of Anita Anita Gaasbeek in Gouda. Open on thursday and friday  13-17 sathurday 11-17 uur and by appointment. Please call us at  +31(0)6 15 38 60 63

Nieuwe Firmanten-Transition
November 2023
Kunstcentrum de Firma - Gouda

De Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
Aniversary 15 years
gallery "de Hollandsche Maagd"

september 2023
Exhibition with 15 artists of the gallery
paintings, jewelry, bronze sculptures, glas and design

za 9 en zo10 januari 2021
11-17.30 uur Eusebius Kerk Arnhem
Stand  74 Anita Gaasbeek
 Expositie Moving voorjaar 2020
tot en met za 4 april 2020 in Galerie de Hollandsche Maagd

"Animals"  februari/may 2021
Galerie de Hollandsche Maagd

2 - 3 OCTOBER 2021
Grote Kerk Breda
Stand 2 Anita Gaasbeek

Art at "De Mallemolen"
januari 2019 - may 2021
Oosthaven 72, Gouda

De Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
You can visit the studio of Anita Gaasbeek by appointment or at openingtimes of the gallery

+31(0)6 15 38 60 63

for more information or making an appointment please call

+31(0)6 15 38 60 63

The City Hall - Gouda 2018
Anita Gaasbeek dancepaintings januari - december 2018
(work on paper an acrylics)
on the second floor of the Historical City hall of Gouda  located on the market place. 

De Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
Aniversary 10 years
gallery "de Hollandsche Maagd"

10-6-2028 / 1-9-2018
10 artist with special works voor the 10th birthday of the gallery paintings, jewelry, bronze sculptures, glas and design made by
Judith Bloedjes, Imre van Buuren, Jeanette Jansen, Rob van Hoek, Sjaak Kaashoek, Koos ten Kate, Lothar, Sabine Lintzen, Richard Price, Marloes Wijtsma and Anita Gaasbeek (21-6-2018/8-8-2018 closed)

De Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
(september 2017)
Anita Gaasbeek new Italian paintings, sculptures of several artists.

De Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
april 2017
Anita Gaasbeek dancepaintings (work on paper) and sculptures Servi Orbons

De Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
(october 2015) "Animals"
Anita Gaasbeek (paintings of animals in the zoo), Jasper Hulshof Poll, Koos ten Kate, Frans Gort and many other artists.

Luz van Anita Gaasbeek artproject Raamkunst
30-4-2010 t/m 30-9-2010

Tulips at Blomatelier Gouda
4-3-2010 t/m 10-4-2010
New paintings of Tulips of Anita Gaasbeek

Kunstuitleen Bollenstreek
Dancepaintings and Tulips of Anita Gaasbeek Kunstuitleen Bollenstreek

De Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
1-10-09 t/m 17-10-09
Tango en jazz in oktober
dancepaintings Anita Gaasbeek

sculptures of tango and jazz Jan Sneijders.

Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
15-1-09 t/m 21 -2-09
"Figures" exhibition Richard Price (glas) en Anita Gaasbeek (work on paper)
in gallery"De Hollandsche Maagd" in Gouda

De Hollandsche Maagd - Gouda
11-09-08 t/m 25 -10-08
Anita Gaasbeek (dancepaintings) and Hortense de Kooter (sculptures) in "De Hollandsche Maagd"
the historical centre of Gouda, the Netherlands.

Theater Institiuut Nederland
Amsterdam 5-7-07 t/m 25-4-08
Exhibition: Dansen! with the painting "Red" of Anita Gaasbeek

KUNST IN ABRI'S 2006/2007
Artproject with the work of Wout van der Vet, Anita Gaasbeek, Trudy Bersma, Marion Cordes and Ien Dobbelaar

Open Studios Zoetermeer 2007
29-9-2007 t/m 30-9-2007
Studio Anita Gaasbeek, Jessicagang 36, Zoetermeer.

Tulpomania 17-3 /21-4-07
exhibition with Tulips of Anita Gaasbeek and other artists
Kunstuitleen de Bollenstreek Satelietbaan 14c, 2181 MH Hillegom

ExhibitionYoung & Young
Volmerlaan 7a, Rijswijk NL

Review Frozen Handmarks in
Dance Europe (english)

Kunst in Abri's - Stadhuis Zoetermeer nov-dec 2006

Open Studios Zoetermeer 2006
09-10-2006 t/m 10-10-2006
Studio Anita Gaasbeek, Jessicagang 36, Zoetermeer.

Exhibition Galerie en Artotheek de Vlaming Zoetermeer 7th september - 10th september.

Kunstwerk Westvoorne - Oostvoorne
16-08-2006 t/m 27-08-2006
Anita Gaasbeek (dancepaintings) en Lucy de Kruijf (sculptures and graphic work) are working in the studio and show their work in galerie/atelier Kunstwerk Westvoorne Hoflaan 7, 3233 AN Oostvoorne

Dancepaintings: Anita Gaasbeek
03-07-2006 t/m 08-07-2006
Dancepaintings Anita Gaasbeek painted young dancers and children during the 10e "Dance and the Child International Conference" in the Hague. Exhibition in
Theater aan het Spui, Spui 187, 2511 BN Den Haag

Kunstlobby - Capelle a/d IJssel
18-02-2006 t/m 05-06-2006
Barbizonlaan 2, Capelle a/d IJssel.

Exhibition: Book of New Town Artists Europa - Zoetermeer
23-03-2006 t/m 02-04-2006
BaZtille, Rokkeveenseweg 46, 2712 XZ Zoetermeer

Exhibition: Smal Work-Great Artists
Galerie de Vlaming, Den Haag-Zoetermeer
17-05-2006 t/m 01-07-2006
'De Vlaming'
Zoetermeer: Vlamingstraat 2a, 2712 BZ Zoetermeer
Den Haag: Anna Paulownastraat 25, 2518 BA Den Haag

Tribute to Rembrandt on A4 - Sidac Studio - Leiden
02-06-2006 t/m 30-08-2006
Sidac Studio, Hogewoerd 77, 2311 HG Leiden

Stadstheater, Zoetermeer (november 2005)
Galerie Brak, Voorburg (juli 2005)*
Grand Café School Zoetermeer (januari - april 2005)*
Galerie Zone, Leiden (maart 2005)
Galerie de Vlaming, Den Haag (maart - april 2005) with Fieke Hordijk
De Uitwisseling - BaZtille Zoetermeer (4 januari - 14 februari 2005)* 2004
"Tango/Schetsen" BaZtille, Zoetermeer (december 2004)
Galerie Mas, Rotterdam
Galerie Brak, Voorburg*
Galerie de Verbeelding, Saaksum (Groningen)
Galerie Dutch-art, Rotterdam*
Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam*
Bewogen tijden Bewogen beelden, Zoetermeer*
Het Overzicht, Zoetermeer*
Galerie Cobald, Delft (duo expositie)
Humanistisch Verbond, Den Haag
De Glazen Linde, Opmeer
Galerie De Vlaming, Zoetermeer
Stadsgalerie, Gouda *
Galerie Noord, Groningen*
Stadhuis Zoetermeer
Galerie Pi , Renkum (duo expositie)
Stadhuis Gorinchem
Galerie Weber, Wiltz, Luxemburg
Div. theaters in Nederland (Tournee met Scapino Ballet)
Galerie Art Leathering, Maassluis
Galerie Verhaar, Wassenaar
Arti Forum, Voorburg*
l'Essentiel, Brussel (België)
Kasteel van Gaasbeek, Gaasbeek (België)
Goudse Schouwburg, Gouda
Roeland Druk, Den Haag
Landbouw Universiteit, Wageningen
Stadstheater Zoetermeer*
Lucent Danstheater, Den Haag
solo-exibitions, only:* concern exibitions in a groop

I also work on assignement (graphic design, illustration and paintings) and organize workshops, drawing and painting lessons in my studio.

toplijnbeeldende kunst grafisch ontwerp workshops top rechts